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My Official Social Medias

If it's not listed here, it either doesn't exist or is kept private.

Grey is business related, black is personal.


"Activity" refers to how active the account is. (100% would be, on average, one post per day)

Update, 07/02/2022: Hardly any of these are active now. Go to the socials page to find the real ones!


My personal YouTube channel. I don't post public videos on here, I just comment, like, favourite, add to playlists, and share videos around.


Activity: 184%


I'm new to Reddit as well, but I very much love spending time here. I just comment on things and make posts in different groups.


Activity: 32%


This is a page for me to post updates to the people of Facebook. I only accept requests from people that I know well on my personal account. So if you find me, you can add me if you want but I won't accept.

Activity: 45%


This is my personal Twitter. So less business and more random Tweets that are more amusing and not trying to get you to buy my music. :P All of my daily thoughts and experiences go here and it's the best way to chat to me.


Activity: 238%


This Twitter account is linked to all YouTube Channels that are part of M.I.C.O.Y.C. So whenever a video goes up, it gets posted here. This is also used to tease new releases.


Activity: 76%


This is the main social media platform for M.I.C.O.Y.C. I post ROUGHLY once a month, though college, work, and teenage laziness get in the way. But I will try my best!


Activity: 10%


I hate Instagram. Voted as the worst platform by multiple sources, it's awful for mental health. But Ross convinced me to abuse it to grow my business. So that's what I'm doing.

Activity: 1%

Didn't you have more accounts?

I did have a Snapchat, 2 Instagrams, a GitHub, DeviantArt, SoundCloud, Tumblr, and a few others. But I've quit those as either I wasn't active enough, or (in the case of Instagram, Soundcloud and Snapchat), I just strongly dislike the platforms. Therefore I'm not advertising any official accounts.

See the credits page for info on people who helped!

Or, read the Privacy Policy & ToS to see how much information you share with me. (Hint: It's basically nothing)

Need to talk to me? Fill out this contact form and we can have a good old chinwag.

Copymiddle 2015 - Present.

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